The Life & Advice of a Military Wife

Since marrying the military (literally) in 2009 I feel I have both received and given much advice that has been essential to my role as a wife and mother. I hope to pass along this advice and my experiences to new wives just getting their footing in this different world of ours.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Insomnia anyone??

They say when soldiers get back from tough deployments, they go through all sorts of changes and stress.  Well let me tell you, my husband is in our comfy bed sleeping like a baby and I am wide awake! This has been the story of my life since the day he got home... it's like I have post traumatic spouse disorder or something.  He is adjusting really well to being home.  I mean, he's not as used to having responsibilities to people other than himself but I am trying to be understanding and he is trying to be helpful. Other than that things have fallen into place and we have picked up right where we left off. Believe me, I am so glad that the transition has been easy for him, it's so unfortunate that some soldiers go through so much while they're gone and then continue with an uphill battle on the home front.  But what is MY problem?
It seems like I always have something on my mind, and no matter how small - it keeps me awake and my brain running full throttle.  I need to do laundry, I need to make those appointments I've been putting off, what are we going to eat for dinner for the next six weeks (okay... I don't REALLY plan that far ahead).  I have heard a lot of people talk about having insomnia while their husband was deployed... and I had this same issue then, too.  Maybe I'm just a night owl... maybe I'm nocturnal! That would explain a whole lot.  I am not the worst morning person ever (although thank goodness my daughter is not an early riser) and while I have no problem getting out of bed at six or seven in the morning, it doesn't make me fall asleep any earlier. I am not one for sleeping pills, I won't even take a Tylenol unless my headache is unbearable to the point of not functioning, but something's gotta give here!
I've also been super irritable lately. (again, I thought that was supposed to be something that I had to adjust to my husband doing!) Everything bothers me, and I have no idea how to make it stop.  I get over it and breathe and think "happy" thoughts but it always comes back.  I swear I'm surprised my husband hasn't tried to kill me by now.  He's so patient when it comes to my irritability... half of the time he doesn't say anything at all even though I'm sure he's thinking plenty.  He's such a good man, and he tries so hard to be an amazing husband and father... I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.  He has his quirks and bad habits which I nag relentlessly about - but I think it's about time to let it go.  If he can have the laundry done when I get home from the grocery store, clean up after dinner when I'm having a crappy day, and randomly take the puppy with him to work in the morning to give me a break and let me sleep in... let the man have a dip in his mouth without getting a dirty look (even though I find it seriously gross).
It seems like every military man (and then some) pick up a bad habit from the time they enlist to the time they get out which is morbidly ironic to me.  You go through 6-12+ month deployments trying to keep your life only to come home and pick up a habit that could someday take it away from you? That's terrible to think about - but I have to worry about him 24/7 when he is gone.  I don't want to have any reason to worry when I have him home safe with me. I don't want to worry about disease or disaster or anything else.  I want to shelter him in a protective bubble and keep him with me all the time.  Overkill, I know.  But don't we worry enough?


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