The Life & Advice of a Military Wife

Since marrying the military (literally) in 2009 I feel I have both received and given much advice that has been essential to my role as a wife and mother. I hope to pass along this advice and my experiences to new wives just getting their footing in this different world of ours.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Too much of too many good things

I know that people say you can never have too much of a good thing... but I have decided that it is thoroughly possible to have too much of too many good things! We have finally, finally made it through deployment, and my husband has been home for a little over a week.  In that time we have managed to buy a new motorcycle, a big screen TV, lots of miscellaneous items that we've been wanting for a while and... a puppy.  Now I am an animal lover all the way and have wanted a dog for as long as I can remember (my parents wouldn't let us have one as kids) but I wish I would have realized that now is NOT the time.  I have basically been a single Mom for 8 months, and now that I finally have my husband home to help out with our daughter, we go and double the work load by adding little Gixxer into the mix.  He is adorable, and he can be a lot of fun, but it is an insane amount of work to get a puppy at any time... let alone as overwhelming a time as homecoming.  I say this because I am sure other couples have made this same decision and I'd like to discourage people from doing it.  Don't take away from your time with your S/O or make it even harder on yourself to adjust to them being home.  We made the decision and we love our dog regardless, but looking back I wish I would have decided to wait.
People watch shows like "Coming Home" and all they see is tears of happiness and big hugs.  Let me be the first to say that that is only a small part of what homecoming is all about.  We as wives are given about a weeks notice when the exact date is set.  After that, it changes almost daily!  Our homecoming time changed THREE times the day OF homecoming! I swear it is the most stressful thing you will ever have to go through. Never have I experienced more anxiety than I did in that day.  I say this for any of the new wives or girlfriends who aren't sure what to expect... yes, it is a wonderful, amazing moment... but don't expect it all to be sunshine and roses.  Take it day by day, rather, minute by minute.  Don't make huge decisions that could result in a serious overload, and try to enjoy your time together while your family adjusts to the big (awesome) change... I wish everyone quick and happy homecomings, because there truly is nothing better - no matter how many gray hairs might pop out of your head while anticipating it's arrival!


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